Choose Invisalign And Enjoy the Benefits of Invisible Braces


No matter the age of the patient, no one likes being told that they need to get braces. Even though roughly four million Americans have braces at any given time – including a million adults – braces carry a lot of stigma.  Plus, they have a reputation for being uncomfortable and requiring burdensome lifestyle changes.

But… what if we told you there was an alternative treatment plan? There are new orthodontic appliances on the market which eliminate nearly all the major problems associated with traditional metal braces, while still straightening your teeth in about the same amount of time.

They’re called Invisalign, and they’re changing the face of orthodontics!

How Invisalign Is Changing How People Look at Braces

Invisalign works by using a series of clear plastic retainers, rather than bonded-on metal braces. These retainers are custom-molded based on scans of your teeth but carefully designed so that wearing them for a few weeks will move your teeth just a bit. Then, you go back to the dentist, and you get a new retainer that moves your teeth a little bit more.

Over the course of a few months, step by step, your teeth are re-aligned!

Here are four benefits you can get from choosing Invisalign compared to traditional braces:

  1. They’re virtually invisible

Invisalign retainers are made of clear plastic, and they’re almost impossible for anyone to see unless they’re staring directly into your mouth. You could wear these alternatives to “braces” for a year, and no one would even know you’re having your teeth corrected.


  1. You can eat whatever you want

One of the big issues with traditional braces is that you can not eat certain foods, but that’s not the case with Invisalign retainers because they’re removable. Simply take them out when eating or doing other mouth-related activities, then put them back in when you’re done. It’s easy!

Note: Invisalign treatment does require the retainer be worn as consistently as possible, preferably 22+ hours per day. Taking the retainer out more than necessary will slow down the corrective process.

  1. Easy oral care

Another benefit to Invisalign being removable is that there’s no special oral care needed either. As with eating, you just pop the retainer out, brush & floss your teeth, then put it back in. There are genuinely no major lifestyle changes or oral health concerns when you choose Invisalign.

The retainers themselves are also easy to clean; just use your toothbrush.

  1. Comfortable orthodontics

On top of everything else, Invisalign is far more comfortable than traditional braces. The retainers themselves hurt much less than regular braces. Also, there’s no metal in your mouth or sharp edges to irritate your tongue, gums, lips, or cheeks. Patients universally find them easy to wear, and even children rarely have any issues with them.

If You Need Braces, Don’t Wait – Ask Dental Wellness Airway  for Invisalign!

Left uncorrected, misaligned teeth will cause numerous oral problems throughout a person’s life. With Invisalign aligners, it is easier to achieve your objective of having straight teeth.

Contact Dental Wellness Airway to schedule a consultation!

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