Solutions for Nighttime Teeth Grinding

If you struggle with nighttime teeth grinding, you may know that it can cause long-term issues in your smile and can cause pain and irritation when left untreatednighttime teeth grinding and bruxism are terms often used interchangeably; and it can lead to TMJ or TMD. Dr. Laura Torrado and Dr. Theodore Belfor can explain how treating your TMJ or TMD in Manhattan, NY, help some issues you may experience with nighttime teeth grinding.

When you struggle with nighttime teeth grinding, you’ll notice that you can experience jaw pain and discomfort when you wake up. It’s important to know that you have different options for treatment and see your dentist who can determine any underlying causes of your grinding, such as TMJ, TMD, or bruxism in Manhattan, NY.

When you grind your teeth at night, it causes your jaw to tense and your teeth to grind, which leads to long-term damage to your teeth when left untreated. Your doctor may recommend different forms of treatment to help keep your smile healthy like wearing a mouthguard while sleeping. This will help protect your teeth from grinding and keep them safe from damage.

Botox can be recommended as a treatment adjunct while you’re asleep. It may also help to practice some relaxation methods, such as meditation, to keep your anxiety levels down. When your body is feeling more relaxed, it can help with tension throughout your body and may help stop you from grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Contact Your Doctor Today!

If you struggle with nighttime teeth grinding, there may be a solution that can help you. Contact Dr. Torrado and Dr. Belfor at Dental Wellness Airway today to find out if you’re dealing with TMJ or TMD in Manhattan, NY, and how you can solve your issues related to nighttime teeth grinding. Call today at 212-765-1877.

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